RAM English Zone powraca. Wakacje od A do Z

Terence Clark-Ward i Nicholas Thomas.
Tym razem Strefa Angielskiego Radia RAM to wakacyjny alfabet, w którym każdej literze podporządkowane jest hasło i praktyczne wskazówki w języku angielskim.
RAM English Zone na 89,8 FM będzie można słuchać od poniedziałku od czwartku przez całe wakacje. Emisje premierowych odcinków cyklu zaplanowaliśmy po godz. 8 (każdego dnia po godz. 14 powtórka).
Strefy Angielskiego można także słuchać na stronie internetowej www.radioram.pl
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 1)
T: Radio Ram English Zone
N: Summer A to Z.
T: The letter ‘A’_ is for accommodation. (noclegi).
N: Accommodation? This is the start of our new EngIish Zone and that’s the best we can come up with? How dull!
T: Dull would be for ‘D’ - today is A, for accommodation.
N: Oh, All right.
T: Yes, A is for All right too.
N: Yes, very funny. Let’s get on with it then. On holiday you can stay in different types of Accommodation like a tent (namiot), a guest house (pensionat) or a hotel.
T: You can also stay in a caravan (przeczepa kempingowe)
N: You could… but I think I’d prefer to stay in a summer house (domek letniskowy).
T: And where else do you like to stay, Nick?
N: I don’t mind – so long as it’s comfortable.
T: Like a 5-star hotel, all inclusive?
N: Mmm, that’s quite comfortable…
T: And expensive.
N: Yeah… can I have a pay rise?
T: No. Tune in tomorrow where you’ll hear about the letter B .
N: Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
T: You’ve been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 2)
Dialogue B
T: Radio Ram English Zone
N: Summer, A – Z. Today we are looking at the letter 'B'.
T: B is for beach.
N: The beaches in Poland are just great, don't you think?
T: Well, yes... The sea is cold, the weather is unpredictable, but the beaches are sandy (piasczysty) and nice to lie on.
N: Definitely. Unlike in Croatia for example, where the beaches are mainly pebbly (kamianisty)- made of stones and not very comfortable to lie on.
T: So, you can have sandy beaches and pebbly beaches.
N: When the weather is good, the beaches in Poland are always packed (zatłoczone). So it can be a real struggle to find any space, but when you do you can lay out your towel (ręcznik) and put up your trusty windbreak to give you a bit of protection.
T: A windbreak is of course a (paravan) and they come in many colours and patterns.
N: I hear that this year, the fashion for windbreaks is stripes. Last year it was spots.
T: You must be joking. Windbreaks – a fashion accessory?
N: Yeah, I was joking. Anyway, once you find some beach to lie on, everyone loves to sunbathe. Can we say that another way?
T: Sure, people love to 'catch some rays' and 'soak up the sun'
N: And to avoid looking like a lobster (rak), you should always use suntan lotion.
T: Yes - or you will suffer with sunburn (oparzenie słoneczne)! Tune in tomorrow when we will be talking about the letter 'C'.
N: Ram English Zone – Summer A to Z.
T: You've been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 3)
T: Radio Ram English Zone
N: Summer, A – Z. Today we'll be talking about the letter 'C'.
T: 'C' is for 'Clothes'.
N: So, summer clothes, I guess?
T: Of course. Everyone wants to look good, especially in the summer.
N: And looking good has a lot to do with wearing the right clothes and accessories.
T: Right.
N: Most people know the names of general items of clothing, so let's make this more fun and find some new words where we can.
T: Oh, how exciting.
N: OK. Sandals are worn in the summer to keep your feet cool. But people also wear something similar called flip-flops (japonki). For example: ''Leave your flip-flops next to the pool when you go for a swim''.
T: Good word. OK. Sunglasses - used to protect your eyes from the sun are also called 'shades'. For example: 'I like your shades, man'
N: Yeah, man. A T-shirt could also be called 'a top'. For example: 'That's a nice top, where did you get it?'.
T: This is going well. My turn. When a man goes swimming, he wears swimming trunks (kąpielówki). These are sometimes called swimming shorts.
N: . And when a woman goes swimming...
T: ... so do all the men!
N: ...very good... she wears a bikini or swimming costume ( kostium kąpielowy) This is sometimes called a swimming cozzie.
T: Next time we will be talking about the letter D.
N: Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
T: You've been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 4)
T: Radio Ram English Zone
N: Summer, A – Z. Today we'll be talking about the letter 'D'.
T: D is for departure
N: To depart is the opposite of to arrive.
T: Let's talk about where people depart to go on holiday.
N: Sure. You can be dropped off (zawieźć) at the airport. For example, 'My dad dropped me off at 6 am)
T: And when you come back, you can be picked up (być odebranym) For example ''If you promise to bring me back a present, I can pick you up from the airport''.
N: Right... You can also depart or leave from the bus or train station.
T: And if you have no money, you can just walk. Go on foot, take a hike...
N: OK, OK. And if you can't walk, you can just close your eyes and imagine you're on holiday.
T: Have you been drinking?
N: OK, I think we should leave it there for today.
T: Good idea – tune in next Monday when we will be talking about the letter 'E'.
N: Have a great weekend everyone!
T: Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
N: You've been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 5)
N: Summer, A – Z. Today we'll be talking about the letter 'E'.
T: E is for entertainment (rozrywka) and there is plenty of it during the summer time.
N: In big hotels a lot of entertainment is often laid on (zapewniony).
T: Dancing girls, live music (muzyka na żywo) etc...?
N: Exactly. But if you go to the mountains or by a lake, you need to create your own entertainment.
T: That's right, like roasting sausages ( pieczenia kiałbasek) on sticks and singing round a campfire with a guitar (śpiew wokół ogniska z gitarą).
N: Yeah, that kind of thing. You do that, don't you?
T: Yeah, I play the guitar.
N: But if you go to a city as part of your holiday, what kind of entertainment might you find there?
T: There are usually street performers n cities: (singers, jugglers, musicians and dancers).
N: No holiday is complete without entertainment – it's a great way to relax.
T: Yes, holidays are all about relaxing or chilling out. And that's what I am going to do right now. Tune in tomorrow when hear about the letter 'F'.
N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 6)
1 hot minute of English.
N: Today we'll be talking about the letter...
T: F. F is for...
N: Fun!
T: And we all like to have a good time or fun in the summer. How can we talk about having fun then?
N: I'll start. I went to a party last week. It was a good laugh. (dobre zabawy)
T: You could also say, for example, diving in the red sea is exhilarating (radosny).
N: You could, but it doesn't always work out. I went to a concert yesterday and it really sucked (był do kitu).
T: You could also say, for example,the concert was lame (żałosny) or shockingly bad (strasznie złe).
N: Yeah, It happens sometimes. You have to choose concerts carefully. I think most often the things you do to have fun are neither amazing nor terrible, but somewhere in the middle.
T: You mean 'not bad', 'pretty good','pretty cool' (całkiem, całkiem).
N: Tune in tomorrow to hear about the letter 'G'.
T: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
N: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 7)
1 hot minute of English. N: Today we're going to be looking at the letter... T: G. G is for... N: Grill! T: Grill? Don't you mean barbeque? N: Yes, yes a barbeque –but in Polish it's called a grill. T: Strange... N: Anyway, it's barbeque season now for anyone who's got a garden and a friend with a garden. T: Have you got garden? N: Yes, thank you and don't worry, I can invite you over. T: Oh, good. So, what do you need for a barbeque? N: You need charcoal or (briket). T: And to light the charcoal? N: You need a lighter or matches and maybe a firelighter. (rozpałlka) T: OK, so you need the charcoal and the firestarter. N: And then you need to wait for it to be lit properly (dobrze rozpalony) before putting on meat, sausages. T: And remember to put it out (zgaszić) when you finish. N: Yes, safety is always important when cooking outside. T: Better to be safe than sorry. N: To be safe, I'll do the cooking. T: Tune in tomorrow to hear about the letter 'H'. N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z. T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 8)
1 hot minute of English.
N: Today we'll be talking about the letter...
T: H. H is for...
N: Holiday!
T: Yes, we say 'holiday', the Americans say 'vacation', but it means the same thing.
N: Poles have difficulties something talking about where they go on holiday, so we're going to fix that now.
T: Yeah, let's do it. The most important thing here is 'where you go' and 'where you are '.
N: You go to the seaside or the coast and you are 'at' the seaside. For example, we are at the seaside now. Krynica Morska is amazing.
T: You go to the mountains, but you say, for example, we are 'in' the mountains at the moment, not far away from Jelenia Gora.
N: And you can also go to a lake and be 'by' a lake, for example, we were by a lake in Augustów once, beautiful place.
T: And of course, you can go abroad and simple 'be' abroad.
N: A quick recap then:
T: Go to the seaside; be at the seaside
N: Go to the mountains; be in the mountains
T: Go to a lake; be by a lake
N: Go abroad; be abroad. Happy holiday everyone!
T: Tune in on Monday to hear about the letter 'I'.
N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 9)
1 hot minute of English.
N: Today we’ll be talking about the letter…
T: I. I is for…
N: Insurance!
T: Boring…
N: And what if you have an accident abroad?
T: Then it’s very interesting.
N: Exactly. Insurance covers you (pokrywa koszty) in case you need medical treatment.
T: You just need to get an insurance policy (polisa ubezpieczeniowa).
N: Then you can go on holiday with peace of mind (spokoj duszy).
T: You should keep the details of the insurance policy with you at all times, just in case.
N: This will allow you to make a claim (zgłosić), if you need to.
T: Yes, it is always better to be safe than sorry.
N: So, even if it sounds ‘boring’, it’s always a good idea to be insured before going on holiday.
T: Tune in tomorrow to hear about the letter ‘J’.
N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 10)
1 hot minute of English.
N: Today we’ll be talking about the letter…
T: J. J is for… N: Journey!
T: This is not a typical holiday then. We’re talking about an adventure (przegoda).
N: Yes, you could say so. Sometimes, a journey is the most important part of a holiday. For example, a round the world trip. (wycieczka do okoła świata).
T: Yes, but every good holiday begins with a journey…
N: And ends with a journey going back home again.
T: That’s right. I remember once going to Sweden. It took 19.5 hours to get there by ferry (prom) from Gdansk. I spent 6-hours in Sweden and then I came back.
N: Why would you do that? T: I don’t know. I suppose, in that case, the journey was the most important part, more important than the destination (miejsce przeznaczone).
N: Life is a journey.
T: Wow. That’s really deep.
N: Yeah, perhaps we should end the journey here and get out of here.
T: Tune in tomorrow to hear about the letter ‘K’.
N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 11)
NICK: 1 hot minute of English - summer, A to Z
TERRY: K …is the letter today. And K is for Kiss… and Kebab and Kayak – but I’m going to go to talk about Karaoke.
NICK: Oh dear – please no….
TERRY: Have you ever tried it?
NICK: Karaoke – the best way to embarrass yourself in front of lots of people, especially when you’re on holiday.
TERRY: Ah – so you have tried it!
NICK: Yes – and I’ve also tried kissing, kayaking and kebabs too. And in my opinion, they’re all much better than karaoke.
TERRY: Oh come on – where’s the sense of adventure? Karaoke is a great way to break the ice (przełamać lody) when you’re on holiday. You can let your hair down (pójść w tango / or wyluzować się) and have some fun!
NICK: Maybe, but if I’m going to sing (śpiewać), I prefer to do it on my own in the shower.
TERRY: Oh don’t be such a spoilsport! (osoba psująca zabawę) You choose a song you really like and then follow the lyrics (tekst piosenki) as they appear on the television screen.
NICK: Come on then – give us a sample.
TERRY: ♫ Darling you’ve got to let me know… should I stay or should I go… ♫
NICK: Yeah, I think we should probably go.
TERRY: But only until tomorrow… when we’ll be back talking about the letter ‘L’.
NICK: Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
TERRY: You’ve been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 12)
TERRY: 1 hot minute of English
NICK: Summer, A to Z. And today, let’s keep it a bit more functional.
TERRY: Yes! Let’s put the ‘fun’ into functional!
NICK: Yeah. Today, we’re going to talk about the letter ‘L’. ‘L’ is for Luggage.
TERRY: Well, that’s certainly functional…
NICK: More than that – it’s essential! Luggage (bagaży) is the suitcases (walizka) and other bags that we use to take all our stuff with us when we go on holiday and it comes in all different shapes and sizes.
TERRY: That’s right. And If you’re going by car, for example, you can take as much luggage as you can fit in the boot of the car (bagażnik).
NICK: Yeah, unfortunately, some people panic and they pack (pakować) a lot more than they actually need.
TERRY: However, If you’re going to take a train or a coach, you probably will need to be more selective. But, luckily these days, most luggage is fitted with wheels and extendable handles (walizka na kółkach), which makes life much easier.
NICK: If you’re flying you have hand luggage and hold luggage.
TERRY: Hand luggage and hold luggage? You hold all luggage in your hand, don’t you?
NICK: Hand luggage stays with you; the bigger, hold luggage goes in the hold (luk bagażowy)
TERRY: Aha, I see, so it hopefully comes out on the baggage reclaim but sometimes gets lost.
NICK: Talking of getting lost, that’s it for this week – see you on Monday!
TERRY: Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
NICK: You’ve been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 13)
NICK: 1 hot minute of English - summer, A to Z.
TERRY: And welcome back! Today, we’re going to be talking about the letter, ‘M’ – ‘M’ is for mountain.
NICK: That’s a very BIG subject to talk about in only a minute, Terry.
TERRY: Yes – you could say we ‘have a mountain to climb’ (mieć dużo do przejścia).
NICK: Ha ha! But please explain something to me… so far we’ve been looking at summer fun – but for me, mountains are more about snow and skiing and winter.
TERRY: It’s true that a lot of people would prefer to go to the beach in the summer – but, quite a few still have fun in the mountains too.
NICK: Doing what?
TERRY: Well, most people go for the amazing, panoramic views (panorama). And it’s not usually as busy as it is during the winter, so it can be a very calm way to spend your holiday.
NICK: Mmmm… sounds really relaxing.
TERRY: Well, probably not – because you have to walk, or trek (długo wędrować) to the top of the mountain to get the best views…
NICK: But what goes up must come down – so once you’ve reached the peak (szczyt)…
TERRY: Yes, you can enjoy a nice downhill trek to the valley (dolina) below.
NICK: But I’ll be honest – it sounds like you’d need another holiday to recover from this holiday.
TERRY: Two holidays? I’m not complaining!
NICK: Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
TERRY: You’ve been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 14)
TERRY: Another hot minute of English.
NICK: Summer, A to Z. And today we’re looking at possibly the best letter in the alphabet…
TERRY: What are you talking about?
NICK: ‘N’ is for Nick!!!!
TERRY: No, Nick.
NICK: You know, it’s amazing how many people say that to me…
TERRY: I think ‘N’ should be for Night!
NICK: Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur and all of that?
TERRY: No, no – not that kind of ‘night’ - that would be knights with a ‘K’.
NICK: K-nights? Oh, crazy language…
TERRY: And for some people, crazy nights are the most importants part of the holiday!
NICK: Ah, you mean nightlife (nocne życie)!
TERRY: I certainly do! At dusk (zmierzch), when it’s not quite yet dark… and cooling down
(robi się chłodno) you can start to hear the music…
NICK: Un-tch, un-tch, un-tch, un-tch. Oh yeah – I’m feeling that!
The neon lights (neonowe) are switched on, I’m wearing my finest togs (kiecka),
and I’m going to paint the town red (zaszaleć)!
TERRY: Easy tiger (uspokój się)!
NICK: Well,you only live once…
TERRY: …and you can sleep when you’re dead?
NICK: Exactly! Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
TERRY: You’ve been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 15)
TERRY: Radio Ram English Zone
NICK: 1 hot minute of English. Summer - A to Z. And what are doing today?
TERRY: Today, we’ll be looking at the letter ‘O’ – ‘O’ is for Ocean.
NICK: Ah, that big, blue, wet thing with lots of fish in it, right?
TERRY: That’s right, Genius!
NICK: Yeah, OK clever-clogs (mądrala) – so, what’s the difference between the ocean
and the sea?
TERRY: Well, It’s all about size.
NICK: I thought that size doesn’t matter!
TERRY: Well, that’s just what your girlfriend tells you.
NICK: Charming.
TERRY: An ocean (ocean) is actually made up of smaller seas (morza) – seas are
usually surrounded by land (ziemia).
NICK: OK, could I go for a swim in the ocean?
TERRY: You could, but mostly, you’d go for a swim in the sea.
NICK: OK… if I was going abroad and had to cross over water, could I say
“I was going over-oceans”?
TERRY: Definitely not – you would say that you were going “
I am going overseas if you were leaving an island like Britain for example.
NICK: So, what would I say if I were Polish and leaving the country?
TERRY: Well, that’s different. Poland isn’t an island and it’s actually surrounded by
other countries. So you would say ‘I’m going ‘zagranica’.
NICK: OK, bye.
NICK: Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
TERRY: You’ve been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 16)
TERRY: 1-hot minute of English
NICK: Summer - A to Z. And to finish off the month, we’re going to look at ‘P’ is for Paddle.
TERRY: Oh, that’s a great summer holiday word. Whenever I can, I love to paddle (brodzić w wodzie) in the sea with my wife.
NICK: Hmm, very romantic. But if you can’t get to the sea, you could always use a paddling pool (brodzik dla dzieci).
TERRY: Well, that’s not quite so romantic… but it’s good for the kids to splash around in when it gets hot.
NICK: Talking of splashing around… if you’re in a canoe or kayak, you would also use a paddle (wiosło).
TERRY: Now you’re talking - that’s lots of fun! But you must be careful not to capsize (kapotować)!
NICK: Well, you’re probably going to be wearing a wetsuit (kombinezon), so it wouldn’t matter too much. But if you really don’t want to get wet, you could always take a pedalo (rower wodny).
TERRY: And have you ever managed to stay dry on a pedalo?
NICK: Now you mention it… no. But, how about something bigger then, like a paddle steamer (parowiec)?
TERRY: And where am I going to find a paddle steamer?
NICK: I don’t know – maybe in a museum?
TERRY: Well, come to think of it, I actually saw one on the river just other day, so ha.
NICK: Come back next week and next month for more…
Ram English Zone – summer A to Z.
TERRY: You’ve been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 17)
TERRY: Another hot minute of English....
NICK: Summer, A to Z.
TERRY: And to start off this week, we're going to look at the letter 'Q'.
NICK: Now 'Q' is quite a unique letter in English
TERRY: Unique in what way?
NICK: Well, unless we're talking about names of places around the world (like QATAR),
or modern acronyms (like QWERTY), wherever you see the letter 'Q',
it is ALWAYS followed by the letter 'U'.
TERRY: Great – and what has that got to do with holidays?
NICK: Er... well, 'Q' is for... QUEUE – or to stand in line as we also sometimes say.
TERRY: Do people really go on holiday to queue??
NICK: I hope not – but queuing for things is as common as English people
drinking tea with milk. It's a fact of life.
TERRY: I suppose so – you go to the airport; you probably have to queue up
to check-in your luggage.
NICK: Exactly, and then you queue for security.. and again to board the plane...
TERRY: When you get to your hotel, you have to queue to check-in at reception...
NICK: But thankfully, there are other types of CUE – but they aren't spelled with
the letter Q; they just sound like they do.
TERRY: Ah, like a snooker CUE?
NICK: Exactly – which is a bit more 'holiday', isn't it?
TERRY: Or... how about, CUE the music!
NICK: Don't forget to check the Radio Ram website where you can listen again
and see full transcripts of everything you hear us say...
TERRY: Here, on Ram English Zone – Summer A to Z.
NICK: You've been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 18)
T: Time for another hot minute of English.
N: And Today we'll be talking about the letter...
T: R. R is for... Rain.
N: That isn't the best weather for a holiday.
T: Very true. Weather is unpredictable though. I've been to the Polish seaside before and it rained every day for a week.
N: What a nightmare.
T: But it rained in different ways. Some days just drizzle (kapuśniaczek), other days a severe downpour.
N: You mean it was lashing it down? (lało jak z cebra)
T: That's right. But when it rains, you have to be resourceful (zaradny) and find something else to do. N: Like what for example?
T: Well, like playing board games (gry planżowy), watching films and reading good books.
N: So, that's when you stay indoors.
T: Exactly.
N: That sucks a bit though. (to jest troche do kitu)
T: Yep, but hey, it is a lot better than being at work.
N: A wet holiday is better than no holiday.
T: Tune in tomorrow when we'll be talking about the letter 'S'.
N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thom
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 19)
NICK: Are you ready?...
TERRY:... for another hot minute of English...
NICK: And today's letter is S – for...
TERRY:Well, it had to be really, didn't it?
NICK:Yeah, we couldn't really be doing a Summer of A to Z – and then have, "S is for SOCKS"
TERRY:Exactly – and what do we always say when we're going on summer holiday?
NICK:♫ "We're all going on a – summer holiday..." ♫
TERRY:Well, yes – that too... but I was thinking about something else – without singing.
TERRY: You know – "I'm going away for some sun... sea... sand... and s...."
NICK:[INTERUPTING] ...sangria! That's what you were going to say isn't it? Sun, sea, sand and sangria?
TERRY: Well, I was going to say something else, but that will do.
NICK:[CLEARS THROAT] Now, what else can we think of that connects summer and the letter S?
TERRY: I thought we weren't going to do, "S is for SOCKS".
NICK:Alright, alright... how about... SPAIN!
TERRY: I've just been to Spain for my summer holiday.
NICK: I'm not surprised – if you're British, Spain is the most popular holiday destination in Europe.
TERRY:Where else would you find sangria??
NICK:Ram English Zone – Summer A to Z.
TERRY:You've been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
Radio RAM English Zone (Episode 20)
T: Get ready for another hot minute of English
N: Today we'll be talking about the letter...
T: T. T is for Terry of course, which I like, but it is also for 'Train'.
N: Yeah, I think I prefer 'Train'.
T: OK. In fact, trains are still quite a popular means of transport (środek transportu) in Poland today.
N: Yes they are. But you know that trains have something in common with planes?
T: Ah yes. You get on and get off (wsiadać I wysiadać) trains and planes.
N: This is the same for a bus too.
T: And you also get on and get off a boat.
N: And a bicycle.
T: And Skateboard. (deska rolka)
N: OK, that's enough.
T: But a car is different. You get in a car and you get out of a car.
N: Back to trains – let's discuss some useful vocabulary.
T: Trains are made of carriages (wagony) pulled by a locomotive. Each carriage contains seats either open-planned or in compartments.
N: At some point the ticket inspector (kanar) will come to check you have the correct ticket.
T: And fast trains also come with a few extras such as wifi (wifi) and a small drink and snack.
N: That sounds like travelling in style.
T: Have a great weekend everyone and tune in on Monday to hear about the letter 'U'
N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas
NICK: It's time for another hot minute of English...
TERRY: Yes, and welcome back to another week of summer – A to Z!
NICK: Today's letter is U.
TERRY: And what does U stand for?
TERRY: You see Nick, the clue is in the title – "Summer A to Z"; it's not "Bad Weather A to Z".
NICK: Exactly,Terry – and how do we know it's summer in England?
TERRY: I don't know – because everyone has gone to Spain?
NICK: No, no! We know it's summer because the rain gets warm!
TERRY: And so everyone needs an UMBRELLA, I suppose?
NICK: OK – so what would you suggest? U is for UNICORN? or UNIQUE? or UNECONOMICAL...?
TERRY: U is for UNFORGETTABLE! I went on holiday and it was UNFORGETTABLE.
NICK: Yeah, I heard that you were so busy with it being UNFORGETTABLE that you did forget about your wallet, your keys, your passport...
TERRY: [INTERUPTING] No – that's exactly why my holiday was UNFORGETTABLE. It's an experience I'll never forget!
NICK: Don't' forget to join us tomorrow for more Ram English Zone – Summer A to Z.
TERRY: You've been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
T: Time for your daily dose of English
N: Today, we'll be talking about the letter V, which is for 'Value' (jakość).
T: We should all look for value when booking and paying for a holiday.
N: Many people check the market price and compare this with
the value for money – basically what they get for their money.
T: Yes, the price to quality ratio.
N: Indeed.
T: But nobody wants to over pay (przepłacić) because it is a waste of money.
N: Another way of saying this is that nobody wants to be ripped off (być oszukanym).
T: Yes, I think most people are looking for a good deal or a bargain (promocja /obniżka cen).
N: Last minute, special deals, get-aways.
T: Today there are more options available and many people simply book their own flights
and find their own accommodation.
N: It depends what you want. Personally, I love to have everything done for me.
T: So, your girlfriend organizes your holidays?
N: Exactly and that has great value to me.
T: And I simply value having time off to do nothing, turn off my mobile and relax.
N: We all value that.
T: Tune in tomorrow when we'll be talking about the letter 'W'.
N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas
TERRY: One hot minute of English…
NICK: … on Ram English Zone…
TERRY: Summer – A to Z!
NICK: Cool! And today’s letter is W, which is for...
NICK: Yup! Most people will search for their holiday online using the internet – and then they will get distracted and start searching for… all sorts of things.
TERRY: OK, how about… WEEKEND!
NICK: You mean, like a mini-holiday that we have every week?
TERRY: Uh-ha – you WORK hard all week… so when you get to the WEEKEND, it’s a bit like being on holiday!
NICK: But some people still have to WORK at the WEEKEND.
TERRY: Yeah…
NICK: Ok, how about, W is for WEATHER!
TERRY: And we all know that everyone in England loves to talk about the weather - All the time.
NICK: Whenever I call my parents in the UK, they always want to talk about the WEATHER; and then they want to talk about ‘tea with milk’, of course.
TERRY: I’m not sure ‘tea with milk’ has anything to do with holidays.
NICK: It does if you go on holiday in the UK! And then the WEATHER is particularly important.
TERRY: Why? Because the WEATHER is usually WET?
NICK: WET and WARM – the perfect British Summer!
TERRY: You’ve been listening to Ram English Zone…
NICK: … Summer A to Z.
TERRY: With Terence Clark-Ward…
NICK: … and Nick Thomas.
T: It’s time for one hot (and I mean hot) minute of English
N: Today we’ll be talking about the letter ‘X’.
T: This wasn’t very easy because there aren’t many words that start with X.
N: But we did manage to find one.
T: And it isn’t X-ray, X-rated or XXX.
N: That’s right. Today’s word is Xenophobia. (ksenofobia)
T: The fear of foreigners.
N: Ok. So, how does this tie in (łaczyć się) with summer holidays?
T: Well, going on holiday abroad actually stops people from being xenophobic.
N: I quite agree.
T: By going on holiday, you are the foreigner (obcy) and you need to accept and
adapt to different ways of life.
N: It gives you variety – and variety is the spice of life – (roznorodnosć nadaje życiu smak)
T: Yes, It also helps you to understand your own culture better and appreciate certain things.
N: Like, what for example?
T: Well, if you go to Spain, you can see people are more relaxed. But they are also, less punctual
than in Poland.
N: And in England, many things are better organized than in Poland.
T: But Poland has better food, especially bread – as I am very often told.
N: So, there are good and bad aspects of life in each country.
T: and through travelling, you can become a better informed person about the world you live in.
N: And not be Xenophobic. Travel is the best education.
T: And on that note, be friendly to any foreigners you meet over the weekend and tune in on
Monday when we’ll be talking about the letter ‘Y’
N: Ram English Zone, summer A – Z.
T: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
NICK: One hot minute of English!
TERRY: And here it is, our second to last episode of…
NICK: … Ram English Zone, Summer A to Z! Yes, we’ve almost completed the entire
English alphabet – and so today, Y is for… “YIPPEE! I’m going on holiday!”
TERRY: Are you going to go on a YACHTING holiday?
NICK: YACHT? Very good holiday word. Sailing around in the Mediterranean,
swimming in the sea, eating fresh, fish…
TERRY: … being sea-sick?
NICK: Possibly. And thinking about it, sailing is quite a YOUNG person’s sport
– and I think I’d like to relax a bit on holiday.
TERRY: That’s fine – because a YACHT could also mean a large, motor boat.
NICK: Ah yes – a motor YACHT. That’s more like it! I can just imagine
myself on a big yacht, sipping a gin and tonic, watching the sun go down…
TERRY: And what colour would your motor YACHT be?
TERRY: YES! And what would you have for breakfast the next day?
TERRY: YES again! And if during your breakfast you were thinking of what you did
the day before, what would you call it?
TERRY: YOU’ve got it! So what do we say now?
NICK: YOU… have been listening to Ram English Zone, Summer A to Z.
TERRY: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
T: One very, very, very hot minute of English
N: Today we’ll be talking about the letter…
T: Z. And it’s a sad moment as this is the last letter in the alphabet.
N: (sniffs) It is indeed. But let’s talk about it anyway.
T: Ok. Z is for Zoom.
N: Zoom?
T: You see, Zebra, Zoo, Zip and Zulu have been used far too often. So, I choose zoom.
N: OK. So, tell me about Zoom then.
T: Zoom is a function on a camera sometimes used to take pictures of your holiday.
N: Yes, zooming in (powiekszać) allows you to take close up pictures. Zooming out is the opposite.
T: Do you like to take pictures (robić zdięcie) on holiday?
N: Yeah, it’s, it’s always nice to capture the moment (uchwtcić moment) or simply to take a few snaps (strzelać kilka fotek) to see what comes out.
T: And how else can you remember your holiday.
N: Well, buying souvenirs of course (pamiętki).
T: Yes, and what’s amazing is that wherever you are in the world, nearly all souvenirs actually sport
three of the most recognized words in the English language.
N: Really? What are they?
T: The words are: Made in China!
N: Ha, wherever they are made cameras and souvenirs make your holiday a special time to remember.
T: And on that note, I’d like to thank all Radio Ram listeners for tuning in to Ram English Zone summer A – Z.
N: It’s been a lot of fun and we sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed listening to us and learnt something!
T: Please write in to Radio Ram if you have any questions or suggestions.
N: You’ve been listening to Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.
“Summer A to Z - summary” (episode 27)
NICK: And now it’s time for another…
TERRY: … hot minute of English! Summer A to Z!
NICK: Hang on, hang on – I thought we finished all that yesterday!
TERRY: What do you mean?
NICK: Well, Summer A to Z? We did Z yesterday and nothing comes after Z.
TERRY: Not true.
NICK: What?! You mean there are extra letters in the alphabet that I don’t know about??
TERRY: No, of course not. You see, now the alphabet is complete we can have a grand summary of words and so our listeners can check if they remember.
NICK: Good idea. So, if you hear a word you are not sure of, just visit the radio ram website to review the original letter.
TERRY: Here we go: Accomodation, Beach, Clothes, Departure
NICK: Entertainment, Fun, Grill, Holiday
TERRY: Insurance, Journey, (Kiss/Kebab/Kayak), Luggage
NICK: Mountain, Nick? That can’t be right – ah, Night, Ocean, Paddle
TERRY: Queue, Rain, Summer, Train
NICK: Umbrella, Value, World Wide Web, Xenophobia
TERRY: Yipee! -and finally Zoom.
NICK: That was it - a pretty cool English Zone.
TERRY: All 26 of those beautiful summer alphabet words.
NICK: A stylish way to learn English.
TERRY: And repeat online.
NICK: We suggest you always check out our zone online.
TERRY: It’s a good idea.
NICK: When you know all of these words, you can go anywhere on holiday and use English to deal with any situation.
TERRY: Only on Radio Ram English Zone – Summer A-Z. Because we care about your progress!
NICK: With Terence Clark-Ward and Nick Thomas.